My friend Paul sent me four Rangeley style streamers to use in a photo project I am planning. I want to use my dSLR and macro lens to make high quality photos worthy of printing large. Making something look good on a Web site or computer monitor (displayed at 70 to 100 dots per inch) is relatively easy. And just about any digital camera can do a wonderful job. But when printing big at 200-300 dots per inch, it is a different story.
Anyway, I haven't started that project yet. However, I've taken some quick hand held photos of each of Paul's flies, using a point and shoot camera, and I have displayed them below.
Note that two of the flies, The Professor Streamer and the Grizzly King Streamer are stretched out and modified versions of old wet fly patterns, each tied by Paul on a streamer hook in the Rangeley Lake style.
Paul informed me that the four flies he sent me were tied on Mustad 3665A hooks, size 2. This model of Mustad has a 6xl shaft.
The Kennebago Special |
The Professor Streamer |
Grizzly King Streamer |
Rapid River |